Where can I use my Breakout Clips videos?

When you're done creating your videos, you're ready to begin using them to impress your audience and show off a bit 😏

This is where the power of these 'pattern-interrupt' videos come in.  They capture your audience's attention with what looks like a normal post in their feed, but isn't.

Once you have their attention, they see your product/service behind your animation. 🔥

You can use these videos to:

  • Grow your audience.
  • Increase engagement.
  • Launch a product/service.
  • Advertise a new deal/sale (put a coupon inside your template).
  • Advertise an event.
  • Promote special occasions (Black Friday, Valentines Day, etc).
  • Advertise a new item on your menu.

...just to name a few. 

We created a detailed guide here, which shows you everything you need to know about where to use your videos!

Tip: These videos are very powerful with influencer marketing. Create your video, and get other influencers to post it for you.

Once you have your new video, where do you use it?

(Check out our full guide on how to use your videos here).

If you've created a video from the Instagram template, we recommend using that video on Instagram. By the same token, if you have created a video from the Facebook template, we recommend using it on Facebook.

The reason we recommend this is that your target audience will be scrolling through their feeds and will immediately be drawn into what looks like just another post... but isn't.

However, by no means feel limited to these options. Our special algorithm compresses these video files to a small size without compromising their quality.

This means you can also use them:

  • As email attachments.
  • Inside Messenger messages.
  • On YouTube/Vimeo/Wistia.
  • On your eCommerce store.
  • On your website.

...all without affecting load speeds at all.

Did you know we also have templates for LinkedIn, and TikTok?

Have any questions? We'd be happy to hear from you!

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