Manage Your Billing Subscription

Whether you're looking to change your payment method, upgrade/downgrade your plan, download invoices or anything else billing related, you'll want to head over to your billing dashboard inside Breakout Clips.

To get there, simply click on Settings in the top navigation menu and click on the Billing & Subscription tab.

Updating Payment Details 💳

Simply click the Change link next to the Payment Method section.

Follow the prompts to change your payment method.

Changing Your Plan 💪

Click the Change Subscription button under your currently active subscription.

A pop-up will appear where you can select the plan you'd like to upgrade/downgrade to.

We'll automatically pro-rate the upgrade for you. If you're downgrading, we'll also pro-rate the difference and it'll be added as a credit to your account.

Downloading Invoices 📒

Under the Payment History section, you'll see a list of all your previous payments.

Simply click the Download link under the Receipt column next to the payment invoice you'd like to download.

Have any questions?

If you have any questions, please click the widget in the bottom right corner to contact us.

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