Using The Templates Library

To browse our pre-made video template library, click here. If you'd prefer to browse our animation-only library click either option below:

- Browse normal post animations
- Browse split-screen post animations

This article will go over how to navigate the template library to find the best videos for your business.

Watch the video walkthrough below, or scroll down if you'd prefer to read the overview.

Template Library Homepage

Here, we feature the following collections of templates:

  • Featured Picks
  • Popular
  • Trending
  • Recommended for You
  • All Templates

To expand any of our collections, simply click on the View More link next to any of the collection titles.

We also have easy filters for you to use (numbered below):

1. Animations 
View our 'animation-only' library. When you click this filter, you'll see two options.

1.1 Normal Post
1.2 Split-Screen Post

Here's Why: Our 1,000+ animations available inside the software are segmented between the 'normal post' and 'split-screen post' templates. The reason they're segmented is because each animation is hand-crafted to fit that type of post template. So if you go to create a normal post video, you'll see one library of animations. If you then go to create a 'split-screen post' video, you'll see a different library of animations. We add new ones every week!

2. All Templates
Filter our pre-made video ad templates by our categories in the left sidebar.

3. Search
Search for keywords related to your business to bring up relevant video templates. For example, if you're in the beauty industry, search for keywords such as "beauty", "natural", "cosmetics" etc. We recommend searching for several related keywords to bring up a variety of results for you to pick from.

Recommendation: Search for broad keywords to generate more relevant results. Examples of these could be: "sales", "selling", "marketing", "retail" etc.

4. Shuffle
Too lazy to scroll through the whole library? We have a fun hack for you! Every time you click the "Shuffle" button, the templates will re-shuffle and you'll see a new randomized set of templates.

5. Start from Scratch
You may simply want to create a video from scratch. Click the Start from Scratch button if that's you.

Selecting a Template

Simply hover over any template to get a live preview of how it looks, and when you're happy click the ' Customize' button that appears when you hover over the template (shown below):

A full-page pop-up will appear.

1. Facebook/Instagram Template Switch
Click these icons to quickly switch your template design between Facebook and Instagram.

2. Close the pop-up
Click this back button to close the pop-up and continue browsing the templates.

3. Customize Button
Click this button to begin editing this template (it'll take you to our video editor).

4. Similar Templates
Browse our collection of similar templates you might enjoy. 

Customizing a Template

When you have found a template, and clicked Customize (shown as #3 in the screenshot above), you'll be taken to our video editor where you can begin making your customizations!

You can choose to make as many customizations as you want.

For example: 

Replacing the background image: simply click the existing background image and a pop-up will appear for you to replace the existing image.
Replacing the username and/or text: To begin typing your own username and/or text, simply click inside the existing text field and begin typing.

For more information on the editor, here are detailed step by step tutorials  -  with screenshots of each step - for whether you select Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn or TikTok as your template:  

Feel free to reach out to us with any feedback or additional questions. We're always happy to help!

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